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Posted on
9:30 PM
How do you connect to the Asta La Vista Baby - CS 1.6 Dedicated Server?
Best answers:
1) I open console and type or connect with regular ip or browse internet.
2) Adding the server to Favourites and simply open FIND SERVERS -Favourites.
Now leave the above two options i got a more easier way.
Using this way you can find the option in the main menu (of the game screen) just 1 hit connect, no need for the servers to waiting.
Okay what you actually do is:
a) Open my computer and paste this address in the address bar "C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 1.6\cstrike\resource" (without quotes).
b) In this resource folder you will find a file name as "Gamemenu.res"
c) Open this "Gamemenu.res" file with right clicking on it and then choose, open with notepad.
d) Clear the complete data present in.(ctrl+a and then delete)
e) Paste this data in the file "Gamemenu.res". (refer quote 8 it was empty so modified it)
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame"
"command" "ResumeGame"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect"
"command" "Disconnect"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"notsingle" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList"
"command" "OpenPlayerListDialog"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"notsingle" "1"
"label" "Asta La Vista Baby" "command" "engine connect"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame"
"command" "OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers"
"command" "OpenServerBrowser"
"label" ""
"command" ""
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ChangeGame"
"command" "OpenChangeGameDialog"
"notsteam" "1"
"notsingle" "1"
"notmulti" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Options"
"command" "OpenOptionsDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit"
"command" "Quit"
"label" ""
"command" ""
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ChangeGame"
"command" "OpenChangeGameDialog"
"notsteam" "1"
"notsingle" "1"
"notmulti" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Options"
"command" "OpenOptionsDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit"
"command" "Quit"
f) Do not modify anything just paste as it is in the file and then FILE - SAVE and close it. RUN THE GAME YOU WILL FIND ASTA LA VISTA BABY IN THE MAIN MENU (IN GAME) JUST CLICK IT AND YOU ARE CONNECTED.
NOTE : IF YOU ARE USING WINDOW7 ULTIMATE/WINDOWS VISTA, go to start menu and run notepad by right clicking it and do "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" and open the destiantion file "Gamemenu.res" from destination.
a) Open my computer and paste this address in the address bar "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\terroristtrooper\counter-strike\cstrike". (without quotes)
b) Create a folder with name "resource". (without quotes)
c) Create a notepad file in the resource folder and name it as "Gamemenu.res". (the difference between steam and non steam version is here you create your own file)
d) Paste this data in the file "Gamemenu.res". (refer quote 8 it was empty so modified it)
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame"
"command" "ResumeGame"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect"
"command" "Disconnect"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"notsingle" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList"
"command" "OpenPlayerListDialog"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"notsingle" "1"
"label" "Asta La Vista Baby" "command" "engine connect"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame"
"command" "OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers"
"command" "OpenServerBrowser"
"label" ""
"command" ""
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ChangeGame"
"command" "OpenChangeGameDialog"
"notsteam" "1"
"notsingle" "1"
"notmulti" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Options"
"command" "OpenOptionsDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit"
"command" "Quit"
"label" ""
"command" ""
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ChangeGame"
"command" "OpenChangeGameDialog"
"notsteam" "1"
"notsingle" "1"
"notmulti" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Options"
"command" "OpenOptionsDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit"
"command" "Quit"
e) Do not modify anything just paste as it is in the file and then FILE - SAVE and close it. RUN THE GAME YOU WILL FIND ASTA LA VISTA BABY IN THE MAIN MENU (IN GAME) JUST CLICK IT AND YOU ARE CONNECTED.
NOTE : IF YOU ARE USING WINDOW7 ULTIMATE/WINDOWS VISTA, go to start menu and run notepad by right clicking it and do "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" and open the destiantion file "Gamemenu.res" from destination.
If you are experiencing any problems with this let me know...[[ALVB]] Trooper :)
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Posted on
6:12 AM
Identifying hackers in counter strike 1.6 / counter strike soource - Trooper
The first and the foremost thing is never suspect someone to be a hacker unless you spectate them carefully. Because professionals may be experiencing a depression in mind if you abuse them, or kick them out of the server.
How a hacker responds if he is warned: (Using Unofficial language in game)
1) Lol, me hacking? u r a noob.
2) Sorry i will stop using now.
How a professional responds when he is warned: (Using Unofficial language in game)
1) Ya i'm born a hacker, do what you want.
2) I'm not a hacker please spectate me and then blame me.
Okay this is how you know if a person is a hacker or not in counter strike.
I will explain you in steps because it will be easy for understanding.
1) Check his aim, whether it is having recoil or not, check his spray. HACK NAME: AIMBOT COUNTER STRIKE 1.6, AIMBOT COUNTER STRIKE SOURCE.

Image Courtesy: Google images.
2) If he is pre-shooting and if you doubt he knows where enemy is coming from it is called as walling. HACK NAME: WALLHACK COUNTER STRIKE 1.6, WALLHACK COUNTER STRIKE SOURCE.
NOTE: Many people wall cleverly, you need to spectate them very carefully.

Image Courtesy: Google images.
3) If you think that the player is rushing very fast and in no time he is behind you with a knife that is called as speed hack, easy to catch at fast movements, impossible at slow movements you need to be a professional spectator for it. HACK NAME: SpeedHack COUNTER STRIKE 1.6, Speedhack COUNTER STRIKE SOURCE.

Image Courtesy: Google images.
These are the three major hacks people use.
If you have any problems or suggestions comment here or mail me.
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Posted on
8:16 PM
Cover when reloading
When you are reloading you are at your most vulnerable. Different weapons take different amounts of time to reload. The shotguns -- the M3 and XM1014 -- have the most rapid reloading mechanism: You can reload them one round at a time, and fire between rounds. As for the rest of the weapons, they must be reloaded one magazine at a time. It's best to take cover when reloading -- don't continue your assault. When reloading, take cover and avoid getting the enemy's attention.
Don't habitually reload after a kill
Many single player games that are superficially like Counter-Strike encourage players to reload almost instinctually after they score a kill, since the next enemy will be around the corner waiting for them. In Counter-Strike this a bad idea, since your enemies will often travel in groups. Instead, conserve ammunition by only using as much as you need to kill your target, and then wait until a lull in the fighting before reloading. Suppress the urge to immediately reload after every kill. Instead wait until you know there are no enemies nearby.
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Posted on
1:56 AM

To become a professional at cs(cs 1.6) it takes a while.
But to make it easier for you guys, here are some tips to improve your game and make you a professional a bit faster!
courtesy: Google Images.
1) When shooting from distance, don't hold down the shooting button, instead, tap the shooting button while crouching and aiming at the head. Maitain two or three bullets per streak.
2) Use the walk button! It great when playing games when there's not many people on. When you walk (Hold down shift normaly) it makes it impossible for others to hear you!
3) Use crouch, When you crouch, your aim becomes a lot steady and makes it easier for you to head shot the opposition! It can also confuse your opponment if the think you are standing up when your are actually crouching!
4) When you see your enemy first declare your aim and then crouch, keep moving until you get a stable aim and you are confident to take your enemy down.
5) When knifing, use your right-click button on your mouse to attack! If you use the left-click button, it is called slapping and is very weak and can take up to 6-7 hits to kill someone, if you right-click which is called actually using the knife correctly it would take 2 hits to kill someone! And from back side it is called stab and would take your enemy down in a single stab.
courtesy: Google images.
Best Weapons to use:
There is no best weapon in the game, e.g. the machine guns is the most expencive gun in the game and has got the worst aim!
The guns you should not buy:
1) The first pistol on the pistol menu (The gun terrorists have for free)
2) The first rifle on the rifle menu (Only available to terrorists)
3) NIGHT VISION, only buy if you have dark spots in the map.
4) Machine gun which costs a fortune and it's so hard to aim with but when you throw a smoke grenade, you should shoot randomly and you should get few kills.
With this information you would improve heaps and might become a professional.
5) If you can't shoot without the cross hair or reticle (the + in the middle of the screen) don't use the sniper rifles
I disagree with alot of that.
If you want to improve faster, find yourself a deathmatch with about 10 people on it and run around using your favorite gun and that only for as long as posible. Using that one gun will teach you what distances it is good at, the recoil etc.
If you are firing long distances, try to never run / walk around while firing. We have all got some sick running headshots before but the majority come from strafing, stopping briefly and letting rip 1 or 2 bullets.
Try to fire in bursts with automatic weapons. Try to never spray unless you could slap the person you are firing at in close range. At long to medium range with any automatic gun try to strafe, shoot a bullet or two, strafe, etc.
Learn your maps! Seriously this is the best advice you can get. Being able to run around Wan Deaging everyone won't help if you dont know where your enemy is going to come from. Run around the maps, watch demo's of teams playing, spectate some pub, anything to teach you where people camp or watch from. When you come round corners, aim your crossair on these places.
This guide will not help you become pro at CSS, not will it help you much atall. Try and get yourself in a helpful clan that often plays matches (But only low skill ofcourse) and does training often to help you learn maps. You can play public for years and only get to a certain skill, you need a clan to get pro.
I agree with much of the above, but snipers are the backbone of a good CS team! A true pro can headshot 4 out of 5 times with an AWP. I strongly suggest learning to use the AWP as an offensive weapon. You may think headshotting an opponent with an AWP is impossible, but it is one of the best ways to show off your "pro-ness".
If you want something more "pro" than the AWP, try the scout. Yes, it is weaker, but a headshot is always a one hit kill and requires much skill.